Download Dale’s Whitepaper, “The 10 Most Common, Most Damaging Financial Mistakes That Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them.”

The 10 Most Common, Most Damaging Financial Mistakes That Business Owners Make and How to Avoid Them.“Sure, having a CFO on staff to help me more effectively manage my business would be great! But who can afford something like that? I mean really, if I could afford a full-time CFO I wouldn’t NEED a CFO!”

Sound familiar? Well I’ve heard it so many times that I’ve actually done something about it and now you can get my free white paper that exposes the 10 most common, most damaging financial mistakes that business owners make and how to avoid them.

What you’ll learn in my white paper…

1. How to avoid acting on untimely or inaccurate information.

2. Why keeping just one set of books is a huge mistake and why you should always have at least 2 sets of books, maybe even three and how to do it perfectly legally.

3. How one company almost went out of business by relying on their accounting software too heavily…and the quick sanity check you MUST know to avoid the same mistake.

4. How your well meaning book-keeper may be setting you up disaster and the ounce of prevention you need to know.

5. Legal tax strategies that could save or cost your company tens-of-thousands of dollars. You’ll want to choose the right one!

… PLUS 5 other mistakes to avoid right now! 

So download your Free White Paper below and get a leg up on the competition.

Dale Kubiesa, CPA, MBA, CFO
Brutally Honest, Trusted Advisor
Your Accounting-CFO

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